Early Spring Lawn Concerns

What does your lawn need this time of year?

Looking at your lawn at the end of winter can be disheartening. With the harsh winter weather, your lawn will need some refreshing to be at its healthiest.

Everyone wants a beautiful lawn and you can’t have a beautiful lawn without a healthy lawn. 

Here are the most important things that your lawn needs to thrive this season:

Fertilization and Premergent 

Our lawn care program can offer your lawn the nutrients it needs to grow healthy from the start of the season and the preemergent treatment can help combat weeds before they even have a chance to grow up and take over your lawn.

Establish a watering schedule

Establishing a watering schedule that works well for your individual lawn and personal schedule is crucial for a healthy lawn.

Keep your eyes peeled- we will be sharing a blog post soon on how to craft the perfect watering schedule for your lawn.

Sometimes we do all we can but still run into issues regarding the health and appearance of our lawns. 

Here are some common issues that your lawn may face this spring and how to prevent and combat them:


Common Concern: Brown Patch

Brown patch is a lawn disease that stems from excessive soil moisture

Reasons for this moisture could be from recent weather that hasn’t drained properly, moisture held in piles of lawn debris or simply overwatering the lawn.

If your lawn is uneven you will see pools of water sitting and causing this lawn damage.


Grading your lawn can help with the even surface of your lawn so that pools of water no longer sit and cause lasting lawn damage. Establishing a consistent watering schedule can also help you to monitor the water going on your lawn as well as picking up lawn debris soon after it appears can reduce the chance of this disease. 

If your lawn already has experienced brown patch, call our team and we can let you know what course of action we recommend going forward.  

Common Concern: Broadleaf Weeds

As the lawn wakes up, weeds are waking up as well. Though we all want a healthy growing lawn, we don’t want the weeds that come with the warmer weather.  


Lawn Care Program/Fertilization

Our lawn care program starts with a pre-emergent that can help prevent weeds from coming up with your grass. Weeds are very persistent though, so we have established a program that regularly fertilizes your healthy grass and kills the unwanted weeds every 6-8 weeks so that your lawn always looks beautiful and well-kept. 

Bonus solution:

When ridding your lawn of debris, be sure you are not throwing weeds in a pile in your yard to compost. The seeds of weeds can spread to your lawn, and leaving piles of other lawn debris can lead to excessive soil moisture and brown patch.

We hope that this article and lawn tips were helpful as we enter into the spring season. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your lawn, our team is here to help and let you know what we recommend for your individual lawn concerns.

To learn more about the services we offer for your lawn click this link or call our office at 302-697-2200 to speak with a team member.


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